APR 6, 2021

Our offices reopen to public on the 6th of April in our usual schedule, changing only the offices’ opening time to 10 a.m.

We remind you that to enter our offices you must comply with the safety measures implemented. Below we specify the measures in place to assure the safety of everyone:

Keep a minimum distance of 2 meters from other customers.
Only 2 customers will be allowed at a time inside the store, the access will be managed by Vialivre’s employees.
The use of a protective mask inside the store is mandatory.
When sneezing or coughing, please cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or with a tissue, which shall be discarded in the trash bin immediately.
Mandatory hand hygiene with the alcohol-based solution provided at the service counter, before and after being catered for. Avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces and objects.
Vialivre’s employees are prohibited from carrying out any physical contact and they will be properly protected at all times.
The facilities will be cleaned frequently to maintain your safety and ours.
Do not come to our stores if you have symptoms or temperature above 37,5 ºC.
Please do only come to the stores in case of absolute necessity, especially if you are part of a risk group. You can count with our usual contact channels WEB
Call centre:

+351 252 004 460

  • Avoid cash payments and give preference card payments (contactless if possible)
To look or pay for pending journeys or toll notices use our platform Paytolls.